About Us

As ARSAL CONSTRUCTION INC, We have been serving in the construction industry for over 30 years. From the first years we have been in the industry to the present, our companies have sought perfectionism in all the projects we have done, and it has successfully completed construction projects, residential and commercial constructions, various official and private factory, hospital and school constructions in accordance with the contracts and projects, completely and on time, and delivered them to the owners.

ARSAL CONSTRUCTION INC. as, we continue our activities in the form of land purchases and constructions in return for flats. Most of the buildings in our Kadıköy district, between Moda and Bostancı districts, are at risk of earthquakes, and their economic life has also come to an end. For this reason, people who are not suitable for the construction contracting formation are trying to work as construction contractors in order to earn their income.

However, the most important issues that you, as the owners, pay attention to during the demolition and reconstruction of the existing buildings are that the partners of the contractor company have received higher education in civil engineering, that their company is reliable and experienced, that the technical and financial opportunities are sufficient, maximum area of flats that you will get in return, and the construction is completed in the promised quality and time according to the contract.

Based on this basic idea, we hope that our discussions with you regarding the demolition and rebuilding of existing buildings within the scope of urban renewal will be evaluated positively.


Senior Construction Engineer

Chairman of the Board

Our Mission

As ARSAL CONSTRUCTION INC. , Our mission is to increase our quality and image continuously by meeting customer expectations in the best and fastest way by producing solutions in construction, adding value to our country by providing employment to more people, To produce structures in accordance with the standards and developing construction technologies.

Our Vision

Keeping the standards high in the construction industry by using the developing technology and opportunities in all projects, with a sustainable quality understanding and developing commercial construction projects that will add added value at home and abroad with exemplary business and living spaces.


Our aim is to continuously exceed the expectations of our client to deliver quality construction. Our team members verify all features of work.


Proactive safety planning helps us provide a safe working environment for everyone working on the project, people visiting the job site or working.


Our partnership with our clients is based on mutual trust and we do what is best for our clients following our company’s values and methods.


To become an industry leader, it is important for us to encourage team work in order to solve any construction challenges and to achieve results.

Modern two storey house with garden
Picture of Alex Schultz

Alex Schultz

He started out as a small contractor, undertaking and construction of small projects. In mid 30s and led the company from the front.

Picture of Gregory Schajz
Project Manager

Gregory Schajz

The company is a symbol of his values, ideas and integrity that he has managed to bring to the company as well as the construction industry.

Picture of Bryan Bell
Main Assistent

Bryan Bell

Bryan also believed in giving back to the community and has worked tirelessly to help the needy. He has undertaken multiple.

Picture of Alen Howell

Alen Howell

Alen’s vision to transform the construction experience by building smart buildings is in our roots. Irrespective of the size of the project.

Open Positions


ARSAL İNŞAAT A.Ş. kurucuları olarak 29 yıldır inşaat sektöründe hizmet vermekteyiz . Sektörde bulunduğumuz ilk yıllardan günümüze kadar geçen sürede yapmış olduğumuz bütün projelerde şirketlerimiz mükemmeliyetçiliği aramış ve bu konuda da başarılı olarak inşaat projeleri , konut ve ticari inşaatlar , çeşitli resmi ve özel fabrika , hastane , okul inşaatlarını sözleşme ve projelerine uygun , eksiksiz ve zamanında tamamlayarak mal sahiplerine teslim etmiştir .

ARSAL İNŞAAT A.Ş. olarak faaliyetlerimizi arsa satın alarak ve kat karşılığı inşaatlar şeklinde sürdürmekteyiz . Kadıköy ilçemizde , Moda ve Bostancı semtleri arasında kalan bölgemizdeki binaların büyük çoğunluğu deprem açısından risk taşımaktadır , ayrıca ekonomik ömürleri de sona ermiştir . Bu sebeple , kendilerine rant sağlamak amacıyla , inşaat müteahhitliği formasyonuna uygun olmayan kişiler inşaat müteahhitliği yapmaya çalışmaktadırlar .

Ancak , mal sahipleri olarak sizlerin , mevcut binaların yıkılıp yeniden inşaa edilmesi sırasında dikkat ettiğiniz en önemli konular , müteahhit firmanın ortaklarının inşaat mühendisliği konusunda yüksek eğitim almış olmaları , şirketlerinin güvenilir ve tecrübeli olması , teknik ve maddi imkanlar olarak yeterli olması , yeniden alacağınız daire alanlarının azami olması , inşaatın sözleşmesine göre taahhüt edilen kalitede ve sürede tamamlanmasıdır.

Bu temel ana fikirden yola çıkarak , kentsel dönüşüm kapsamında , mevcut binaların yıkılarak yeniden inşaa edilmesi konusunda sizlerle yapacağımız görüşmelerimizin olumlu değerlendirileceğini ümit ediyoruz.


ARSAL İNŞAAT A.Ş. olarak misyonumuz; insana ve çevreye duyarlı; kaliteden taviz vermeden, müşteri memnuniyetini maksimum seviyede tutarak güvenli yaşam alanları kazandırmak, inşaatta çözüm üreterek müşteri beklentilerini en iyi, en hızlı şekilde karşılayarak kalite ve imajımızı sürekli arttırmak, daha fazla kişiye istihdam sağlayarak, ülkemize değer katmak, Dünya standartlarında ve gelişen inşaat teknolojilerine uygun yapılar üretmektir.

Contact Details

S.E.M. International


Sürdürülebilir kalite anlayışı ile tüm projelerde gelişen teknoloji ve imkanları kullanarak, inşaat sektöründe standartları yüksek tutmak, örnek iş ve yaşam alanları ile yurt içi ve yurt dışında artı değer katacak ticari inşaat projeleri geliştirmektir.

Contact Details

S.E.M. International